Awards & Recognition

Financial Inclusion Fintech of the Year

4th BW Festival of FinTech 2024

Financial Inclusion Organization of the Year

Bharat Fintech Summit 2024

Best Use of Supply Chain Finance

UBS Forum 2023

Innovation in BFSI Sector

Technoviti 2023

Best Fintech For Serving MSMEs

MSME Ecosystem 2022 - FICCI

Innovation in Banking Finance

12th Aegis Graham Bell 2022

Best Easy Financing & Digital On-boardings for MSME

Nation's Business Pride 2021

Emerge 50 League of 10

Nasscom 2019

Best Payment Technology Solution Provider

ET Now 2019

Responsible Digital Innovator Of The Year

Global SME Finance 2018

Digital Solution of the Year

Express IT 2017